Giants vs. Phillies Game 5/15

One of the most iconic places in San Francisco has got to be Oracle Park, the stadium home for the SF Giants since 2000 as well as host for multiple World Series games. The stadium has a beautiful view of the San Francisco Bay and, on a sunny day like we were lucky to have, the skyline of Mission Rock beyond.

The game we attended was the SF Giants versus the Philadelphia Phillies. Although baseball games are notorious for being long, it has recently been cut down to take not more than 2-½ hours. We were granted 25-dollar food vouchers, so we all got some hot dogs and garlic fries, then found our seats to witness the game. As night began to fall, it became pretty chilly; however, the game was exciting and the efforts from our cheering soon warmed us up.

Although many of us were confused about some of the rules of baseball, Mark was very helpful in informing us about what was going on. None of us were confused, however, when Michael Conforto for the Giants scored a home run into the audience with all bases loaded, and everyone cheered as the players ran across the bases, earning three points.

In the end, the Giants won 6-3, and only 8-innings had been played out. We all walked out excited that we had won; it was an incredible experience being able to witness a winning home game in San Francisco with all of our friends.

ASHLEY: “This was a great event that I was glad I went to. It really captured the feeling of being in SF and just enjoying a baseball game with friends. Even though I’m not a baseball fan, buying an giants cap and eating a hot dog and fries was really an unforgettable experience.”

VAN: “The Giants game was my favorite event during SF Urban Program. As a non-native, I had minimal knowledge of baseball. However, it was less about the game, but about the experience.”


Stanford Field Trip 5/10


CA Academy of Sciences 6/01