Mark Schatz is the SF Urban Program Director as of Academic Year 2023-24. Mark has been teaching in the SF Urban Program since 2014, including serving as the sole instructor for the ARCH 443 Practice Class and co-teaching in the ARCH 452 and 453 Design Studio. Additional faculty and workshop providers are brought together each year to coordinate coursework and share some common resources and experts in an integrated teaching format. The Design Studio is structured as a team-taught course with teachers assigned one or two studio groups of four students per quarter, with a rotation for the second quarter. The Program Director oversees the ARCH 485 Internship Program. A teacher-practitioner with extensive expertise in multifamily housing serves as the instructor for the ARCH 472 Housing Concepts class.   See the list of current and recent faculty below.

2024-2025 SF Urban teachers from left to right: Mark Schatz, Marcial Chao, Fernando Marti, Megan Lizarraga

Instructors and Workshop Providers 2024-25

Mark Schatz, SF Urban Program Director and Cal Poly Lecturer in Architecture. Principal Architect at ELS Architecture and Urban Design

  • Courses: ARCH 452 and 453 Architectural Design, ARCH 443 Professional Practice, ARCH 480 Professional Internship  

Marcial Chao, Principal, Pyatok Architects, Board Member Vital Arts Berkeley

  • Courses: ARCH 452 and 453 Architectural Design, ARCH 472 Housing Concepts

  • Courses: ARCH 452 Architectural Design

Fernando Marti, Former Co-Director Council of Community Housing Organizations + Independent Architect and Artist

  • Courses: ARCH 452 and 453 Architectural Design

Megan Lizarraga, Architect at John Lum Architecture

  • Courses: ARCH 453 Architectural Design, Digital Technology Workshop