Introduction to SF Urban 2022

Program Director, Thomas Jones gives an introduction to the program for 2022 students. Alumni of the program answer common questions student have.

A Day in the Life

This short film documents a day in the life of 8 architecture undergraduate students during the pandemic in 2021.

During the year of 2020, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) engulfed the world and dramatically changed daily life for many people, including higher education students. To stay safe from the virus, college students remained at home and all learning happened remotely with video conferencing technology.

Student Experience

The class of 2020 share their thoughts on the program.

  • What was it like having design studio hosted in an architecture office?

  • What did you like about interning?

  • What did you like about living in San Francisco?

  • What was it like having outside critics at design reviews?

  • How did you balance working at large and small scales in your studio project?

  • What were the people in San Francisco like?

Pictorial Overview

An overview of the program’s courses and events.